Russian maxillofacial surgeons take part in a formative course in Davó Institute on the zygomatic implant technique

Twenty Russian specialists learn how the zygomatic implant is developed, by Dr. Rubén Davó

Last Thursday and Friday twenty maxillofacial surgeons and dentists from Russia came to learn and study the way the zygomatic implant works, developed by Dr. Rubén Davó along his international experts team. This technique allows to recover the smile for teeth lacking patients by an immediate and secure technique and has been documented by clinical studies by Dr. Davó for over 15 years.

In this course, specialists from Italia and USA have also participated, doctors who wanted to attend the course in order to deepen the zygomatic implant technique with immediate function. This kind of initiatives is being carried out periodically over the last years and generates the interest for international patients. These international patients receive help from the Mediterranean Health Care Association to organize and book their treatment abroad.

Both facts are another example of the international prestige and confidence in our professional. Davó Institute is the world pioneer in developing these advanced implant techniques that returned the smile and quality of life to thousands of people, safely and quickly. Clinical studies, conducted by Dr. Davó, confirm that oral health restoration directly affects the quality of life in three perspectives: psychological, social and functional. "Following the oral impairment, people are socially isolated, seek treatment for it, because they want to normalize their life sooner" assures Dr. Davó. This was a starting point when developing complex techniques as the zygomatic implants, which allows patients to enjoy and almost toothless jaw bone, fixed parts immediately after the intervention.

The success of these techniques, together with the training activity has placed Davó Institute as an international reference for learning complex oral rehabilitation.

Dr. Ruben Davó , Doctor in Medicine and Surgery and a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has combined task patient care with clinical research and training professionals . Specialists from around the world participate in clinical courses , especially on the zygomatic implant technique taught by Dr. Ruben Davó , medical director of Davó Institute , speaker and member of the Global Advisory board of Nobel Biocare world leader in innovation implantology and aesthetic dental solutions .

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