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In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

In order to have a successful pregnancy, the ovary must produce a mature egg and this must combine successfully with the spermatozoid.  This union, called fertilisation, takes place physiologically inside the fallopian tubes. During the process of in vitro fertilisation, this union occurs in the laboratory after obtaining as many eggs as the ovary is capable of developing. Once in vitro fertilisation has taken place, a maximum of three embryos are deposited in the uterus so that they may continue their development. The excess embryos are cryopreserved for subsequent transfer in another cycle, donated to another couple or given to research with the consent of their owners.

The success of the in vitro fertilisation technique depends largely on the age of the woman, the ovarian response and the quality of the embryos. In general, the pregnancy rate per cycle is between 55% and 65%. In patients under 35, this rate exceeds 70%.

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